There are 1829 stamps matching your search.
Tonga Scott #1245 2014 2.45Pa, 2.45Pa, 2.45Pa and 2.45Pa Horses 2014 Year of the Horse. Mint never hinged. $7.00 Item #TON1245C3 add to cart
| | Tonga Niuafoou Scott #318 2014 $1.50, $1.50, $1.50 and $1.50 Various Horses 2014 New Year Year of the Horse Se-tenant Miniature Sheet. Mint never hinged. $2.75 Item #TOF318C2 add to cart
Turkey Scott #1222-1224 1956 15k Theater in Troy, 20k Trojan Vase and 30k Trojan Horse, Excavations of Troy. Mint never hinged. $4.25 Item #TRK1222S2 add to cart
| | Turkey Scott #2494a 1990 200L, 250L, 400L and 1500L Postal Communication Methods Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet of four. Mint never hinged. $3.00 Item #TRK2494aC1 add to cart
Turkey Scott #3344-3345 2013 1.10L and 2.20L 2013 Europa. Mint never hinged. $2.60 Item #TRK3344S1 add to cart
| | Turkmenistan Scott #9 1992 10R Map of Turkmenistan. Mint never hinged. $4.70 Item #TMS009C4 add to cart
Turkmenistan Scott #9 1992 10R Map of Turkmenistan. Mint never hinged. $6.75 Item #TMS009C5 add to cart
| | Turks and Caicos Islands Scott #489 1981 $2 Royal Wedding Princess Diana Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.00 Item #TCI0489C1 add to cart
Uganda Scott #317 1981 250/- Royal Mews Royal Wedding Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #UGA0317C1 add to cart
| | United Nations Geneva Scott #135-136 1985 50c and 70c 40th Anniversary. Mint never hinged. $1.15 Item #UNG135S1 add to cart
United Nations Geneva Scott #137 1985 50c and 70c 40th Anniversary Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.65 Item #UNG137C1 add to cart
| | United Nations Geneva Scott #137 1985 50c and 70c 40th Anniversary Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.65 Item #UNG137C2 add to cart
United Nations New York Scott #767a 1999 33c, 33c, 33c and 33c Universal Postal Union Se-tenant Block of four. Mint never hinged. $1.85 Item #UNN0767aS1 add to cart
| | United Nations Vienna Scott #52-53 1985 6.50S and 8.50S 40th UN Anniversity. Mint never hinged. $1.75 Item #UNC052S1 add to cart
United Nations Vienna Scott #52-53 1985 6.50S and 8.50S 40th UN Anniversity. Mint never hinged. $1.75 Item #UNC052S2 add to cart
| | United Nations Vienna Scott #52-53 1985 6.50S and 8.50S 40th UN Anniversity Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.90 Item #UNC054C1 add to cart
United Nations Vienna Scott #52-53 1985 6.50S and 8.50S 40th UN Anniversity Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.90 Item #UNC054C2 add to cart
| | United Nations Vienna Scott #66 1986 4S, 5S, 6S and 7S WFUNA Aniversary Se-tenant Sheet of four. Mint never hinged. $3.00 Item #UNC066S1 add to cart
United States Scott #113 1869 2c Post Horse and Rider 1869 Pictorial. Used. $35.00 Item #USA0113S1 add to cart
| | United States Scott #113 1869 2c Post Horse and Rider 1869 Pictorial. Used. $60.00 Item #USA0113S10 add to cart