There are 444 stamps matching your search.
Poland Scott #2750-2755 1999 5Z, 10z, 10Z, 15Z, 20Z and 30Z Victories of Polish Atheletes at 1985 World Championships. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #PLD2750S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2756 1986 65Z STOCKHOLMIA �86. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2756S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2756a 1986 65z STOCKHILMIA '86 Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2756aC2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2757 1986 10Z Battle of Jordanow Colonel Stanislaw Maczek World War II. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2757S01 add to cart
Poland Scott #2759 1986 40z World Post Day. Mint never hinged. $0.40 Item #PLD2759S2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2775 1986 25z 1987 New Year. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #PLD2775S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2776-2781 1986 5Z, 5Z, 10Z, 10Z, 30Z and 50Z Warsaw Cyclists. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD2776S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2794 1987 15Z The Ravage Artur Grottger. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2794S01 add to cart
Poland Scott #2795 1987 15Z General Karol Swierczewski-Walter. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2795S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2795 1987 15Z General Karol Swierczewski-Walter. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2795S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2796 1996 65Z Strzelecki Explorer Colonization of Australia. Mint never hinged. $0.60 Item #PLD2796S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2798-2803 1987 10Z, 10Z, 15Z, 15Z, 25Z and 45Z Motor Vehicles. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD2798S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #2807 1987 50Z Pope John Paul State Visit Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2807C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2820-2823 1987 10z Acrobatics, France, 15z Kayak, Canada, 20z Marksmanship, East Germany and 25z Wrestling, Hungary, Success of Polish Athletes at World Championship Events. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2820S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2824 1987 10Z Battle at Mokra, 10Z Battle Scene near Oleszycami and 15Z Air Battles over Warsaw World War II Battles. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #PLD2824S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2831 1987 15Z Colonel Stanislaw Wieckowski. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2831S01 add to cart
Poland Scott #2831 1987 15Z Colonel Stanislaw Wieckowski. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2831S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2848 1988 40Z International Year of Graphic Design. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #PLD2848S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #2849-2854 1988 10z Risian Wall Clock, 10z Anniversary Clock and Rotary Pendulum, 15z Carriage Clock, 15z Louis XV Rococo Bracket Clock, 20z Pocket Watch and 40z Gdansk Six-sided Clock Signed by Benjamin Zoll Antique Clocks in the Museum of Artistic and Precision Handicr. Mint never hinged. $1.40 Item #PLD2849S2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2868 1988 20z Postmaster Tomasz Arciszewski. Mint never hinged. $0.25 Item #PLD2868S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2873-2880 1988 15Z Wincenty Witos, 15Z lgnacy
Daszynski, 20Z Wojciech Korfanty, 20Z Stanislaw Wojciechowski, 20Z Julian Marchlewski, 200Z lgnacy Paderewski, 200Z Jozef Pilsudski and 200Z Gabriel Narutowicz National Independence. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD2873S01 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2880a 1988 200Z Paderewski, 200Z Pilsudski and 200Z Narutowicz National Independence Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $18.75 Item #PLD2880aS2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2880a 1988 200Z Paderewski, 200Z Pilsudski and 200Z Narutowicz National Independence Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $18.75 Item #PLD2880aS3 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2884-2885 1988 10z Rycheza and 15z Kazimierz I Odnowiciel Royalty. Mint never hinged. $0.70 Item #PLD2884S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2888-2893 1988 10z Blysk, 15z Zar, 15z Plomien, 20z Strazak 4, 20z Strazak 11 and 45z Strazak 25 Fire Boats. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #PLD2888S2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2894-2899 1989 15z Lippizaner, 15Z Arden, 2Zz English, 20Z Arabian, 30Z Wielkopolski and 70Z Polish Horses. Mint never hinged. $2.00 Item #PLD2894S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #2894-2899 1989 15z Lippizaner, 15Z Arden, 2Zz English, 20Z Arabian, 30Z Wielkopolski and 70Z Polish Horses. Mint never hinged. $1.60 Item #PLD2894S3 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2900-2905 1989 15z Wire-haired Dachshund, 15z Cocker Spaniel, 20z Czech Fousek Pointer, 20z Welsh Terrier, 25z English Setter and 45z Pointer, Dogs. Mint never hinged. $1.00 Item #PLD2900S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2908 1989 100Z and 100Z Woman Wearing a Phrygian Cap with label PHILEXFRANCE �89 Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet of two with two labels. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2908aC1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2908 1989 100Z and 100Z Woman Wearing a Phrygian Cap with label PHILEXFRANCE �89 Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet of two with two labels. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD2908aC2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2910 1989 100Z Astronaut First Moon Landing. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #PLD2910S2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2910a 1989 100Z First Moon Landing Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $19.50 Item #PLD2910aC2 add to cart
Poland Scott #2910a 1989 100Z Astronaut First Moon Landing Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #PLD2910aC3 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #2930-2931 1989 60Z Participation in the Struggle for Control of the Nation Medal and 60Z Defense of Warsaw Medal World War II Decorations. Mint never hinged. $0.40 Item #PLD2930S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #2978 1990 5000Z German Iris. Mint never hinged. $0.40 Item #PLD2979S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3015 1991 1500z Radziwill Palace, Admission to the CEPT. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #PLD3015S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #3020 1996 40g Post and Telecomminications Museum. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #PLD3320S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3038 1991 1000z 1991 Europa. Mint never hinged. $1.20 Item #PLD3038S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3055a 1991 1000Z Papilio Machaon, 1000Z Mormonia Sponsa, 1500Z Vanessa
Cardui, 1500Z Iphiclides Podalirius, 2500Z Panaxia Dominula and 2500Z Nymphalis Butterflies Block of Six. Mint never hinged. $1.65 Item #PLD3055aC2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3056 1991 15,000Z Aporia Crataegi Butterfly with label Phila Nippon '91 Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD3056C2 add to cart
Poland Scott #3056 1991 15000z Aporia Crataegi Butterflies Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.70 Item #PLD3056S2 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3056 1991 15000z Aporia Crataegi Butterflies Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.70 Item #PLD3056S3 add to cart
Poland Scott #3059-3062 1991 2000Z, 2500Z, 3000Z, 5000Z and 6500Z WWII Commanders. Mint never hinged. $2.70 Item #PLD3059S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3070-3075 1992 700z Sebastian Bourdon, 1000z Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1500z Sir Gottfried Kneller, 2000z Murillo, 2200z Rubens and 3000z Diego de Silva y Velazquez, Paintings. Mint never hinged. $1.60 Item #PLD3070S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #3083 1992 5000z Famous Poles Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $2.10 Item #PLD3083C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3163-3164 1993 10000Z and 20000Z Pine Cones. Mint never hinged. $3.15 Item #PLD3163S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3187 1994 10000Z 1994 Olympics Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.45 Item #PLD3187C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3218 1994 6000Z European Union. Mint never hinged. $0.90 Item #PLD3218S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3271-3274 1996 40g, 55g, 70g and 1Z Architecture. Mint never hinged. $1.85 Item #PLD3271S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3350 199\5 1.30Z PACIFIC ,97. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #PLD3350S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3353 2005 1.30Z, 1.30Z, 1.30Z and 1.30Z and 1.30Z, 1.30Z, 1.30Z and 1.30Z Extreme Sports Sheet of two Se-tenant Blocks. Mint never hinged. $5.25 Item #PLD3773L1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3357 1995 35g and 45g 1995 Christmas Se-tenant Pair. Mint never hinged. $0.70 Item #PLD3357S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3403a 1998 60g, 70g, 1K and 1.40K Visit of Pope John Paull II Se-tenant Strip of four. Mint never hinged. $1.95 Item #PLD3459W1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3451a 1999 70Z, 70z, 70Z, 70Z, 70Z and 70Z Characters from Works by Sienkiewicz Se-tenant Block of six. Mint never hinged. $2.65 Item #PLD3451aS1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3463-3467 1999 70g, 1Z, 1.40Z, 1.60Z and 1.85Z County Estates. Mint never hinged. $3.35 Item #PLD3463S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3519 2000 1.55Z Europa. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #PLD3519S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #3534-3535 2000 80g and 1.55Z Pilgramige to Rome. Mint never hinged. $1.20 Item #PLD3534S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3544-3547 2000 70g, 80g, 1.10Z and 1.55Z 2000 Olympics. Mint never hinged. $2.10 Item #PLD3544S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3559-3562 2003 70g, 80g, 1.10g and 1.55Z 2000 Christmas. Mint never hinged. $2.10 Item #PLD3559S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3577 2001 1Z Salesian Youth World Championships. Mint never hinged. $0.50 Item #PLD3577S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3578 2001 1Z 2001 Europa. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #PLD3578S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3579-3780 2001 1Z and 1Z Greetings. Mint never hinged. $1.10 Item #PLD3579S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3581 2001 1Z Wrzesnia Children's Strike Against German Language. Mint never hinged. $0.50 Item #PLD3581S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3584-3585 2003 1.20Z, 1.80Z, 2.10Z and 2.60Z Children's Art. Mint never hinged. $3.90 Item #PLD3684S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3586-3591 2001 1Z, 1Z, 1Z, 1.90Z, 1.90Z AND 1.90Z Endangered Flora and Fauna. Mint never hinged. $4.50 Item #PLD3586S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3592 2001 2Z Endangered Flora and Fauna Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.15 Item #PLD3592C1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3595-3597 2001 1Z, 1Z and 1.90Z Depictions of the Virgin Mary. Mint never hinged. $2.10 Item #PLD3595S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3598 2001 1z Extension of God's Mercy Sanctuary at Cracow. Mint never hinged. $0.50 Item #PLD3598S2 add to cart
Poland Scott #3602 2001 3Z Euro Cuprum 2001 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.65 Item #PLD3602C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3604 2001 1z Exhibition of Christian Traditions in Military at Polish Army Museum. Mint never hinged. $0.50 Item #PLD3604S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3606-3608 2001 1Z, 1.90Z and 2Z Children's Stamp Design Contest Winners. Mint never hinged. $2.40 Item #PLD3606S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3609 2001 1Z Poland Advancement to 2002 World Cup Soccer Championships. Mint never hinged. $0.50 Item #PLD3609S1 add to cart
Poland 3611 #3610 2001 1.90Z Year of Dialouge Among Civilizations. Mint never hinged. $2.25 Item #PLD3610S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3615-3616 2001 1Z and 1.90Z 2001 Christmas. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD3615S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3621 2002 2Z and 2Z Famous Poles. Mint never hinged. $2.10 Item #PLD3621S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3621-3622 2002 2z, 2.10Z and 3.20z City Landmarks. Mint never hinged. $3.45 Item #PLD3623S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3626-3627 2002 1.10Z and 2Z 2002 Easter. Mint never hinged. $1.60 Item #PLD3626S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3630-3633 2002 1.10Z, 1.10Z, 2Z and 3.20Z Paintings by Disabled Artists. Mint never hinged. $3.75 Item #PLD3630S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3637 2002 2Z 2002 Europa. Mint never hinged. $0.90 Item #PLD3637S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3647-3648 2002 1.10Z and 3.20Z Visit of Pope John Paul II. Mint never hinged. $3.15 Item #PLD3647S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3659 2002 2Z World Post Day. Mint never hinged. $1.10 Item #PLD3659S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3665-3667 2003 1.20Z, 1.20Z, 1.20Z, 1.20Z and 1.20Z City Landmarks Complete Booklet of five. Mint never hinged. $3.00 Item #PLD3665S3 add to cart
Poland Scott #3671-3672 2003 1.20Z and 2.10Z 2003 Easter. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #PLD3671S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3673 2003 1.20Z Granting of Municipal Rights to Poznan. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #PLD3673S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3675 2003 2.10Z 2003 European. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #PLD3675S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3676-3679 2003 1.20Z, 1.80Z, 2.10Z and 2.60Z Lazienkowski Parks. Mint never hinged. $3.90 Item #PLD3676S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3688 2004 1.25Z, 1.25K, 1.25K and 1.25K and 1.25K, 1.25K, 1.25K and 1.25K Sheet of two Se-tenant Blocks of four. Mint never hinged. $5.25 Item #PLD3762C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3701 2003 1.20Z, 1.80Z, 2.10Z and 2.60Z 2003 Christmas. Mint never hinged. $3.50 Item #PLD3701S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3718-3719 2004 1.25Z and 2.10Z 2004 Easter. Mint never hinged. $1.65 Item #PLD3718S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3763 2005 1.30Z Monument of Hygea. Mint never hinged. $0.60 Item #PLD3763S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #3774 2005 3.50Z Pacific Explorer 2005 World Stamp Expo Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.80 Item #PLD3774C1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3774 2005 3.50Z Imperforate Pacific Explorer 2005 World Stamp Expo Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $5.60 Item #PLD3774C2 add to cart
Poland Scotts #3956 2009 3Z Women's Volleyball Championships. Mint never hinged. $1.70 Item #PLD3956S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #3986 2010 4.15Z Fruit and Flowers. Mint never hinged. $2.25 Item #PLD3986S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #Auto Exhibition Label 1930 1930 International Automobile Exhibition in Prague label. Unused lightly hinged. $5.00 Item #PLDLBA10S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #Auto Exhibition Label 1930 1930 International Automobile Exhibition in Prague label. Unused lightly hinged. $5.00 Item #PLDLBA10S3 add to cart
Poland Scott #Auto Exhibition Label 1930 1930 International Automobile Exhibition in Prague label. Unused lightly hinged. $5.00 Item #PLDLBA10S4 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #B11-B14 1921 5M to 30M Polish Cavalryman Overprinted +30M Semi-Postal. Unused hinged. $30.00 Item #PLDB011S1 add to cart
Poland Scott #B13 1921 10M Polish Cavalryman Overprinted +30M Semi-Postal. Unused lightly hinged. $6.00 Item #PLDB013S1 add to cart
| | Poland Scott #B31 1938 2Z Polish Stratosphere Flight Souvenir Sheet Semi-Postal. mint never hinged with small PAPER adhesion on back. $60.00 Item #PLDB031C2 add to cart