There are 749 stamps matching your search.
 Netherlands Scott #B254-B258 1953 2c+3c Red Cross on Sheild, 6c+4c Man Holding Lantern, 7c+5c Worker and Ambulance, 10c+5c Nurse Giving Transfusion and 25c+8c Red Cross Flags Semi-postal for the Red Cross. Used. $7.50 Item #NTHB254S1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Scott #B311-B315 1957 4c+3c, 6c+4c, 7c+5c, 10c+8c and 30c+8c Red Cross Semi-Postal 1957 S-Gravenhage 19 Aug 1957 Eerste Dag Van Uitgifte to Helsinki, Finland. First Day. NVPH Cachet. Typewritten Address. $7.50 Item #NTHB311W1 add to cart
 Netherlands Scott #B311-B315 1957 4c+3c, 6c+4c, 7c+5c, 10c+8c and 30c +8c Red Cross Semi-postals 1957 S Gravenhaven Eeste Dag Van Uitgifte Illustrated Cancel Domestic Use. First Day. Cacheted. Ink address. $18.00 Item #NTHB0315C1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Scott #B378-B381 1963 4c+4c, 6c+4c, 8c+4c, 12c+9c and 30c +9c Red Cross Semi-postals 1963 S Gravenhaven Eeste Dag Van Uitgifte Illustrated Cancel. First Day. Cacheted. Unaddressed with small crease at bottom left. $5.00 Item #NTHB0381C1 add to cart
 Netherlands Scott #B424-B428 1967 12c+8c, 15c+10c, 20c+10c and 45c+20c Dutch Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $1.60 Item #NTHB424S1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Scott #B629-B631 1987 55c+30c, 65c+35c and 75c+35c Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $2.40 Item #NTHB629S1 add to cart
 Netherlands Scott #B665-B667 1992 60c+30c, 70c+35c and 80c+40c Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $2.25 Item #NTHB665S1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Scott #B701 1997 80c+40c Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $1.00 Item #NTHB701S1 add to cart
 Netherlands Scott #B736 2002 39c+19c Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $0.95 Item #NTHB736S1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Scott #B589, B592 1983 50c+25c (4) and 70c+30c (2) Red Cross Semi-Postal Se-tenant Strip of 6. Used. $2.85 Item #NTHB592aC1 add to cart
 Netherlands Antilles Scott #B39-B42 1958 6c+2c, 7 1/2c+2 1/2c, 15c+5c and 22 1/2c+7 1/2c Red Cross Semi-postal 1958 Curaco, Willemstad Eerste Dag Van Uitgifte to San Franciso, Cal. First Day. Cacheted. Ink address. $5.00 Item #NTAB039C1 add to cart
|  |  Netherlands Antilles Scott #B39-B42 1958 6c+2c, 7 1/2c+2 1/2c, 15c+5c and 22 1/2c+7 1/2c Red Cross Semi-postal 1958 Curaco, Willemstad Eerste Dag Van Uitgifte to San Franciso, Cal. First Day. Cacheted. Ink address. $5.00 Item #NTAB039W1 add to cart
Netherlands Indies Scott #B1-B3 1915 1c and 5c Numerals and 10c Queen Wilhelmina Overprinted + 5 cts. with Red Cross 1915 Red Cross Semi-Postal. Unused lightly hinged. $8.00 Item #NTIB001S1 add to cart |  |  Netherlands New Guinea Scott #B15-B18 1958 5c+5c, 10c+5c, 25c+10c and 30c+10c Ancestral Images Red Cross Semi-postals 1958 Hollandia, Nederlands-Niew-Guinea Eerste dag van uitgifte. First Day. Cacheted. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #NTNB018C1 add to cart
 Netherlands New Guinea Scott #B15-B18 1958 5c+5c, 10c+5c, 25c+10c and 30c+10c Papuan Ancestoral Images Semi-postal for The Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $3.75 Item #NTNB15S2 add to cart
|  |  New Zealand Scott #1361-1365 1996 40c Fire service and Ambulance, 80c, Civil Defense, $1, Air Sea Rescue, $1.50 Air Ambulance and Rescue Helicopter and $1.80 Mountain Rescue Red Cross Rescue Services 1996 Philatelic Bureau Wanganui NZ First Day of Issue illustrated postmark. Cacheted. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #NZL1361W1 add to cart
 Niger Scott #944a-I 1997 180f Princess Diana Humanitarian Deeds Singles 1997 Niamey Premier Jour. First Day. Set of nine silk cachets. Unaddressed. $15.00 Item #NGR0944C01 add to cart
|  |  Nigeria Scott #149a 1963 1/3 International Red Cross (4) Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $9.00 Item #NIG0149aC2 add to cart
 Norfolk Islands Scott #461 1989 $1 National Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $2.65 Item #NRF0461S2 add to cart
|  |  Norway Scott #401-402 1961 45o and 1K Passy and Dunant Winners of the First Nobel Peace Prize. Unused lightly hinged. $1.00 Item #NOR0401S1 add to cart